Heaven on Earth (My Backyard)
1. I have crooked teeth and am hatefully ugly; now add to that, wrinkled and old.
2. On occasion, I drink way too much. (Probably to forget the crooked teeth, ugly and old)
3. I love being alone. (Saves loads of money on deodorant, breath mints, and unnecessary grooming)
4. I am coarse (See #3) and uncultured (My last book cover to cover was Silver Chief, Dog of the North)
5. I have the weirdest fascination with changing identity, as in "Sleeping with the Enemy." What's up with that?
6. Sometimes I secretly root for the villain. (Evidently I played the "robber" in childhood games of "Cops and Robbers" once too often.) And while on the subject, Jimmy H. should be held accountable for rooking me at the game of football. It seems he got a touchdown by crossing the goal line; while I had to run around the house before crossing the goal line. I finally smelled a rat and knew our friendship was weakening.
There are many more, but why flay yourself open like a mackerel for the world to devour. Answer: Because you're perverse, and self-defamation is the ultimate perversion. Like picking at a scab or pouring flaming iodine on an open wound, I enjoy being harsh with myself. Students of psychiatry should go fly a kite now.
My Garden in Spring is Heaven
Having cleaned my ugly closet, I feel ready to deal with Heaven. Will I get there? Heaven only knows. Failing to pay the dues of institutional righteousness, I must somehow achieve grace by running a heroic final marathon to salvation. If Heaven comes, it should be deserved, not bought in the collection plate or tax-deductible donation. It should be helping those no one else cares to help, and getting no thanks in return. It should be taking an unpopular stand against a very popular wrong. It should be loving all the people, all the world and all the universe and trusting our self-interest to rise with that particular beneficent tide.
Jolene was going to be destroyed because not one person had answered the pound
ad in the paper. Not one. I asked for her sight unseen and was not disappointed. She provided years of love and companionship until her death last year. I felt she understood Heaven.